--> 本当は傷つきやすいnana granny

Nana Smith’S HouseOf Folks & Other Whatnots on Granny’S Shelf【電子書籍】[ Davina H. Sanders ]


<p>Mrs. Jessie Mae Smith, known in Indianapolis as Nana Smith, was tired. It had been a long day, but now the wait began. The old church pew she was seated on held no comfort as she anxiously waited for the visitation to begin . . . if it would. The girls sat quietly beside her, too quietly for nine-year-old twins. As her mind began to drift, she silently wondered if this was the pew she sat on at JPs funeral. Pleasant Hill United Church had remodeled since then, and the old pews were relegated to the Smith Memorial Fellowship Hall, named so for her beloved JP. Deacon John Paul Smith, who had been a lifelong member of Pleasant Hill, died ten years before. One year later the fellowship hall was renamed in his honor.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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